Goal Setting – How to set your goals in 2023?

How to set your goals in 2023?

In this blog, I am going to talk about how you can set your goals and effectively put them in place for 2023. As we leap into a new year, one thing that is always on mind as business owners is “How will I hit my goals?”, “What should I do differently from last Goal Planner 2023

Setting goals gives you long term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses on acquisition of knowledge and help you to organise your time and resources so that you can make the most out of your business. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals; You can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. You will start to notice progress which you might not have seen before, and this will raise your self – confidence.

First of all, you need to establish your goals and aspirations for the year. Start by sitting down and thinking about what you would like to achieve within the next 12 months, don’t forget to write them down.

By setting goals, it helps to keep the business on target and if done correctly it will allow the business to flow in the right direction.

Here are some examples of putting goal setting into practice:

Confidently define success

The easiest way to define success is by outlining the success and what it looks like. When you have set your goals, take into consideration what you are capable of doing and then push them further.

Example: You would like to have 3 new students a week, you know you can achieve that so why not make it 4 – 5 new students per week.

This planner will help you create and set realistic goals for your business. You might find that it’s a challenge to know where to start when you first start out goal setting. However, you want to ensure that the goals you are setting are achievable, but not too easy that’s it’s no longer a challenge. Using the Goal Setting planner framework is a good way to establish your first lot of business goals. I recommend the Sunshine Goal Planner 2023.

Click Here Goal Planner 2023

Co – Create with other business owners

This is a really good way of introducing a collaboration and boosting your business without having to inject lots of cash up front. Collaborations are a great way to get both businesses more exposure and become more noticed.

Example: One of your goals was to offer products or kits alongside your existing business but you do not have the cash flow to inject into this project therefore you can collaborate with a product company where you purchase their products at a discounted rate, offer your clients/students a discount code, have an exchange in products/services.  

Goal setting should be carefully thought about rather than quickly put together because you might stumble across loopholes and issues if you didn’t take the time to think about everything.

Always start with the bigger picture on where you would like to be within the next 10 years and then you can work backwards from that, right down to setting goals for a monthly basis.

There are many questions you can ask yourself in order to see the bigger picture, but here are a few:

  • What do you want your company to stand for?
  • Why was your company created?
  • Where do you want to be in 10 years?
  • Where do you want to be in 15 years?
  • Where are you within your business?
  • Where do you want to be now?
  • What have you done to get where you are now?
  • Where have your clients/students come from?

All of these answers will help you determine the big picture mission, which will allow you to break down in smaller, actionable goals.

All of the above, can be simply be answered through doing the Sunshine Goal Setting course.

To purchase follow this link

Click Here Goal Setting Course

If you require more information or business advice, please don’t hesitate to contact me where I will be happy to help.

Much Love


MD of Sunshine Group UK